Board Minutes 10.16.24 Present: Corbin, Hermberg, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson Absent: Arkin Approval of September Minutes Treasurer’s Report: due to Steve’s absence we only reviewed the current profit and loss statement. Annual billing will go out in January. Jane will request an updated balance sheet from Steve for next Board Meeting. Plot Assessment; currently there are eleven in-ground plots available and eleven […]
Present: Corbin, Hermberg, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson Absent: Arkin, Hughes, Kahn June minutes were approved Treasurer’s report: Currently there are five Farmers who have not paid for their plots Jane to review the list for errors and or changes. Shelby, our bookkeeper has left. Corrine is our new bookkeeper. Work Party: scheduled for this Saturday beginning at 7:30 am Plots: Currently 9 vacancies for in ground plots Jane to advise on vacancies for raised beds 8 in group plots need to have the wood replaced Jane to get cost of labor & materials Tee shirt Project: Jill is leading the […]
Present: Corbin, Hermberg, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Tyson Absent: Arkin, Sample Approval of Last Month meeting Treasurer’s Report: due to Steve’s absence, there was no treasurer’s report. Farm Plot Inventory: Jane reported there were 5 available unground plots which will be rented to the 5 individual of the 7 farmers on the wait list. Currently there are 10 individuals on wait list for raised beds with two possibly opening up in the fall. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of adding more raised beds since there is a demand for them. The cost of the 4 raised beds that were installed […]
Present: Hermberg, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample Absent: Arkin, Corbin,Tyson Last Month’s minutes were approved. Treasurer Report: Steve was unable to attend but submitted a Profit and Loss Statement through March, 2024 which we all viewed. Inventory of Plots: Farm currently has 5 available plots to rent for the fall season. Jane has 5 prospective farmers on her waiting list. There are 6 folks waiting for a raised bed and non available at this time. Tee shirt fundraiser: Dorcas introduced more possible designs for a new Farm teeshirt. One was particularly liked by all, a circle […]
Annual Meeting Skidaway Farms Present: Arkin, Corbin, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample Absent: Tyson Approval of last month’s minutes. Financial Report: Steve reported and handed out a Profit and Loss statement that covered April ’23 – February ’24 that reflected a net Income of $10,383.65. Total Income was $33,999., Expenses were $23,616.18. Steve will transition our billing and accounts to Quick Books this month as the other billing system has not worked well. Elections: 2024 elections were completed and the results were as follows: Steve Arkin, Jane Kollman, Steve Sample and Joe Tyson were elected to a three year term. […]
Skidaway Farms Board Minutes Present: Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson Absent: Arkin, Corbin February Minutes Approved Treasurers Report: Steve Arkin was absent due to death in his family. There was no treasurer’s report. SBA loan in Skidaway Farm’s name is being investigated. Farm Plots: there are only two plots left to rent and Jane has two prospective farmers on her list. 23 plots have been leased since January 1st. 3 plots are currently not leased due to drainage problems. These plots will be remediated with composting, coffee grounds, cardboard and will sit for a season in hopes this will […]
Board Meetings 2.21.24 Present: Arkin (Zoom), Corbin, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson January Board Minutes approved and posted on website. Treasurer’s Report: Arkin reported that monies from Live Oak bank were being transferred to an FDIC insured account called Flourish which was offering 5% interest. Hughes co-signed the paperwork. The account will be linked to the South Street account so that money could be transferred easily. Steve also reported on YTD financials as well as past due accounts. Approximately 1/3 of the Farmers haven’t paid, mostly due to inability or hesitancy to use the INAGO […]
Present: Arkin, Corbin, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Absent: Sample, Tyson December meeting minutes approved. Treasurers Report: Steve attended meeting remotely on Zoom. Profit and Loss Statement was e-mailed to participants beforehand and reviewed. Mike stated the P and L categories for farm expenses needed to be clearer and reflect different categories more effectively. Board will draft updated categories to present to Steve. Steve said about 50% of Farmers had paid for their rentals at this time. There appears to be some confusion in using the new system among farmers. Draft will go out providing support […]
Skidaway Farms Board Minutes 12.13.2023 Present: Arkin, Corbin,Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample Missing: Barrett, Tyson Treasurers Report: Steve Arkin, our new treasurer will be using the e-mail: His other e- mail associated with his practice is: Steve is using Innago: A free Online Rental Property Management Software to collect rent on farm plots which will all be collected once per year. Payment can be made by credit card or by personal check dropped in our mailbox. The farmers will receive another blast to explain the new system but ultimately rentals for all plots will be due and paid […]
Present: Steve Arkin, Jill Corbin , Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson -October minutes approved. Treasurers Report: Steve suggested changing plot rental to annual billing. All plots to be billed in January. 2024 invoices will be pro-rated based on actual renewal dates. He will search for a better software package than Excel that is more suited for multiple tenants. New software package will streamline most functions at the farm. A bookkeeper will be assigned to oversee the farm account. The group updated Michael on possible changes for the coming year. Cost for the software […]
SKIDAWAY COMMUNITY GARDEN BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 PRESENT: Kollman, Popp, Rosen, Tyson Treasurer’s Report from Tom Rosen Tom is moving to Park Springs in November. He will be greatly missed. Steve Arkin has been selected to replace Tom as the treasurer. Tom and Steve will work on the October Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. Profit & Loss for September 1-19, 2023 reviewed. Interest income will be adjusted by $25.75 Accumulated depreciation final adjustment for plot renovation will be posted in October. Projected income from October plot rentals is $3,800.00 Balance sheet reviewed. Tom reviewed CD renewals and […]
Present: Corbin, Hughes, Kollman, Popp, Rosen, Sample, Tyson Absent: Barratt, Kahn Treasurers Report: P&L from July 1 -19 was distributed as well as Balance sheet as of July 19th. Tom said we had spent $20,000 on refurbishment of existing raised beds and building of new ones as well as resolving our drainage issue. Plot status: We have a total of 167 plots at the Farm and there are 13 unground plot and 6 raised bed available to lease this fall. Jane has a list of 24 farmers. Fall Festival: scheduled for Thursday, September 28th from 5-7 pm. Tom, Joe, […]
Board Minutes June,21, 2023 Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen, Joe Tyson Absent: Frank Barratt, Dorcas Popp, Steve Sample Treasurers Report: Tom handed out balance sheet and profit and loss as of May 24th to board members. Live Oak 6mo CD due on 4/23, totaling $10,107.47 was deducted to pay for new raised bed project. So far the new raised bed project has totaled $17,664.53 and the renovation of existing raised beds $2,333.09. The remaining work will be sealing the tops (Joey) and rock that needs to surround the beds (already purchased). Tom has transferred […]
Present: Frank Barrett, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen, Steve Sample Absent: Jill Corbin, Joe Tyson Frank Barrett was welcomed as a new provisional member of the board who will stand for election in 2024. Minutes of April 14th were approved unanimously Treasurer’s Report: Tom distributed the Balance Sheet and P and L through May 24th. Six month CD held at Live Oak Bank was closed when due in April and used to finance raised garden beds ($10,000+). Tom also distributed a renovation and new plot construction cost encompassing the monies spent since 8/22 through 4/23 […]